Oneframe is a science content provider, a creative factory of scientific stories told through all the available media. We have a simple mission, turning complex concepts into entertaining and emotional tales for your specific public, from businessmen to school kids, journalists or general public. Regardless of your background, we will make you enjoy science.
We can deliver contents for a variety of media: broadcast, web, press, events, or provide reports, speakers and speeches for conferences.
Whether you represent a public institution, industry, a PR or media company, a broadcaster or any type of stakeholder in science, we can help you with science communication by building customized creative projects and delivering the final product for your information purposes.
Oneframe network counts on a growing set of professionals in science and media market. We can quickly select the right staff for each project, and you only buy the service you need, an easy approach to workflow that ensures competence, flexibility, innovation while cutting production costs. We can work on a range of budgets, from small scale editorial projects, to the commission of documentaries for broadcast as well as museum exhibits or company events.
Our skilled network relies on top experienced producers, filmakers, science journalists, graphic designers, and, above all, counts on a solid network of consultants in science and tech providing us with the most up to date information, ensuring the reliability that contemporary science communication needs.
Whether you work in the medical field, biotech, environment, technology, energy, etc… we can cover your information needs with our services, blending the language of science communication in a way that suits your specific public.
It’s a wonderful world. Enjoy the exploration
Barbara Bernardini
#whysciencematters #oneframescience

Barbara Bernardini, PhD
Creative producer and founder of Oneframe
PhD in Biology at Sant’Anna University in Pisa and worked as researcher at Harvard University before switching to a career in science communication. 23 years of experience in press and TV, working with top companies and broadcasters, as producer, director and project manager. Since 2006, author and director for the science TV show Superquark, RAI-1, hosted by Piero Angela